Luis, 32, was born in the Dominican Republic, but lived in the United States as a permanent resident for nearly three decades. Growing up, he had an abusive stepfather, and he had trouble with the law. After a second suicide attempt at age 23, he was finally diagnosed with schizophrenia. Afterward, he made remarkable progress through holistic counseling, psychiatric care, and a supportive living facility.
Due to his old convictions, however, ICE detained Luis for nearly six months. AI Justice advocated with ICE to improve his mental health treatment after Luis repeatedly failed to get his medication. Ultimately AI Justice was able to show the immigration judge that Luis deserved to remain in the United States, and he was released from detention. The judge noted that she had never seen such extensive evidence of rehabilitation and congratulated Luis for completely turning his life despite the difficulty circumstances.
My lawyer and [AI Justice] did everything possible to make sure I got released and can continue my treatment and rehabilitation in this country. God blessed me to bring me [AI Justice], to allow me to continue to be a part of my children’s life, my family’s life.