Detained person holding phone

Legal organizations sue ICE, say agency prevents communication with Krome detainees – Miami Herald

by Syra Ortiz-Blanes “Legal service groups that represent detained migrants have sued U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, alleging the agency prevents lawyers and their clients in Miami’s Krome Detention Center and three other detention facilities from speaking regularly and confidentially. ‘Defendants have systematically failed to ensure compliance with constitutional requirements, federal law, and ICE’s own policies regarding access to counsel,’ …

Detained person holding phone

U.S. immigration agency blocks lawyer access to detainees, groups say – Reuters

By Daniel Wiessner “Groups that provide legal services to immigrants seeking asylum have filed a lawsuit accusing the U.S. agency that operates detention facilities of violating the U.S. Constitution by making it difficult for lawyers to meet with detainees. The five nonprofit groups, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, claim U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has prevented regular …

Demandan a ICE por impedir que abogados se comuniquen con inmigrantes detenidos en cuatro estados – Univision

“Un grupo de organizaciones que brinda servicios de inmigración entablaron una demanda contra la Oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) por impedir que abogados se comuniquen con inmigrantes detenidos en cuatro centros de detención ubicados en Florida, Luisiana, Texas y Arizona. El caso se ventila en la Corte de Distrito del Distrito de Columbia (DC), capital de Estados Unidos. Los …

ICE Detention Hallway

ACLU, civil rights groups, allege abuses against immigrant detainees in North Florida jail – Florida Phoenix

by Michael Moline A coalition of civil-rights groups that includes the ACLU of Florida have filed an administrative complaint alleging a pattern of “horrific” mistreatment of immigration detainees being held at the Baker County Detention Center in North Florida. The 22-page complaint, addressed to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and related government departments including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), seeks …

Cuban Flag

More Cuban kids are showing up at the U.S.-Mexico border without their parents – Miami Herald

By Syra Ortiz Blanes, Nora Gámez Torres, and Ana Ceballos “Jennifer Anzardo Valdes, director of the Children’s Legal Program at Americans for Immigrant Justice, said the nonprofit law firm has represented more unaccompanied Cuban children this year. They include teenagers between 16 and 18, although they also have younger clients. Some have come to reunite with family already living in …

Influx of boat voyages prompts “Ukrainian treatment” call for Haitian refugees – Haitian Times

by Ashley Miznazi “Cassandra Suprin of Americans for Immigrant Justice in Miami said she has seen a double standard between the priority of Black and brown refugees compared to white. ‘We do support the U.S. response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis,’ said Suprin, the organization’s Family Defense Program director. ‘We just wish that such assistance can be offered to other …

US-Mexico Border

Biden administration ends Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy after court lifts injunction – Miami Herald

by Syra Ortiz-Blanes and Michael Wilner “Jennifer Anzardo Valdes, director of the Children’s Legal Program at Americans for Immigrant Justice, told the Miami Herald that Monday’s development was ‘very welcome news.’ Her organization has heard ‘horrific stories’ of kidnappings, threats, assaults, and more happening to people enrolled in the program while in Mexico. ‘We had kids whose parents would go …