Detention jail bars

Activistas piden investigar uso de sustancias tóxicas en centro de migrantes

“Grupos de activistas demandaron a la Administración del presidente de EEUU, Joe Biden, que investigue el posible uso indebido de sustancias químicas tóxicas en un centro de detención de inmigrantes en Moore Haven, en el condado de Glades (Florida), informó este martes la organización Earthjustice. Este grupo ecologista y otros 13 grupos que forman parte de la Coalición Shut Down …

Detention jail bars

‘Lives continue to be in danger’: Lawmakers want FL migrant detention center to close – Miami Herald

By Syra Ortiz-Blanes “A group of 17 members of Congress asked Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday to shutter a Florida detention center that houses migrant detainees and that is at the heart of multiple complaints made to the Biden administration. The Feb. 2 letter points to a slew of recent grievances from immigration advocates and watchdog …

Detention jail bars

Immigrants in U.S. Detention Exposed to Hazardous Disinfectants Every Day – Scientific American

by Matthew Phelan, Scientific American “Every day crowded cells holding people at an immigration detention facility in Florida have been doused with caustic disinfectants that have caused breathing problems and bleeding, according to reports from the detainees. The disinfectants contain two chemical compounds that scientific research has implicated in long-term damage to human cells and—in animals—to reproductive health. On August …

ICE Detention Hallway

Women at Florida Immigration Detention Center File Federal Complaint Over Sexual and Medical Abuse, Toxic Chemical Spray, and Racist Treatment

“Seven immigrant women held at a remote immigration detention center in Florida filed a complaint with federal officials, shedding light on an appalling pattern of abuses including sexual abuse by guards and a psychiatrist amounting to violations of the Prison Rape Elimination Acts (PREA), exposure to a highly toxic chemical spray, life-threatening medical neglect, violations of COVID-19 safety protocols, and …

Man in Court

Settlement Mandates Federal Court Oversight of Three Florida ICE Detention Facilities for Remainder of Pandemic

Souther Poverty Law Center “MIAMI – Immigrants held in U.S. custody and their attorneys reached a settlement with the federal government over COVID-19 protocols at three South Florida Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers. The agreement presumptively provides for six months’ oversight of ICE’s compliance with reduced population requirements, CDC pandemic guidelines, and ICE’s own Pandemic Response Requirements by a federal …

Justice definition in dictionary

It’s time for Rubio to take the lead on reforming our broken immigration system | Opinion – Miami Herald

by Cheryl Little and Krystina Francois “Reforms to fix our nation’s broken immigration system are long overdue. To fully recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and thrive again, we need Sen. Marco Rubio, the son of immigrants, to help lead bipartisan efforts to finally address this urgent issue. It will benefit all Floridians. Despite their value to our society as economic …

Citizenship ceremony holding up flags

How Can We Empower Immigrants When the Odds Are Stacked Against Them?

#157 Talks With… Americans for Immigrant Justice The USA is seen as a beacon of hope by many communities throughout the world. For some who brave the journey there, it’s an opportunity to escape oppression and start a new life. In this episode we talked with Jessica Schneider from Americans for Immigrant Justice about representing immigrants who have been let down …

Man in face mask

Churches, Community Groups Help States Vaccinate Immigrants – PEW

“As vaccination progresses to include more people, including immigrants in other jobs, some advocates fear the disparities will only grow. ‘This is going to be a bigger problem as it opens up to more people,’ said Adonia Simpson, an attorney who works with immigrants at the Americans for Immigrant Justice legal clinic in Miami. ‘Just the fact that they’re asking …

AI Justice's Detention Program

‘Like sardines in a can’: Complaint alleges medical neglect at Florida ICE detention center – Miami Herald

by Monique Madan, Miami Herald “The 31-page complaint was filed by Miami-based immigration advocates at Americans for Immigrant Justice and Immigrant Action Alliance, along with seven other immigrant rights organizations. Two dozen detainees said they have experienced inadequate medical care and neglect; lack of hygiene products, sanitation, and PPE; transfers between facilities without quarantine; failure to follow court orders to …

Excitement over Biden Immigration proposals

Excitement over Biden immigration proposals could lead to uptick in scams, experts warn – Miami Herald

by Lautaro Grinspan, Miami Herald “To avoid being a victim of notario scams, [Adonia] Simpson, from Americans for Immigrant Justice, recommends always asking about the qualifications of immigration service providers (including asking to see copies of their bar certificates) before letting them impart legal advice. It’s also important to request a receipt when paying for any legal services, and to carefully …