Miami police reform how they handle immigrant victims following Reveal investigation

By Laura C. Morel / January 24, 2020 The Miami Police Department has enacted changes to how it treats immigrant victims of crime in response to an investigation by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. The story found that dozens of law enforcement agencies across the country routinely undermine visa protections for immigrants. Miami, like other departments serving large immigrant populations, had created barriers that …

Immigrants at Key West Jail Report Abuse, Neglect, and Extreme Isolation

ALEXI C. CARDONA | DECEMBER 20, 2019 | 9:00AM Ron W. didn’t know what had landed him in solitary confinement until he heard the word “obstruction.” While waiting in line for his medication at the Monroe County jail in Key West, he began to sing Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song.” In response, Ron was disciplined for “obstructing the pill line” and sent to isolation for …

“Los Tratan como criminales” : denuncian actos inhumanos a migrantes en algunos centros de detención

VILMA TARAZONA 12 Dic 2019 – 06:43 PM EST Abogadas de las organizaciones Americans for Immigrant Justice y Southern Poverty Law Center, junto a un equipo, realizaron la investigación en cuatro centros de detención de inmigrantes en Florida. Visitaron durante cuatro meses los lugares con mayor población de migrantes detenidos y hablaron con el 5% de ellos. “No sé qué …

Report slams medical care, solitary confinement in Florida immigration detention centers

BY MONIQUE O. MADAN DECEMBER 10, 2019 12:17 PM National civil rights and immigration lawyers are calling on state and federal officials to mandate complete oversight of all adult immigration detention facilities in Florida following a scathing report by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Americans for Immigrant Justice released Monday. The 104-page report highlights “substandard” conditions at Florida’s four adult …

Forsaken by Trump, immigrant ‘Dreamers’ seek U.S. Supreme Court reprieve

Lawrence Hurley BALTIMORE (Reuters) – When Maricruz Abarca learned three years ago that she had been given the legal right under a U.S. government program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals to work in the United States and avoid deportation, she started to cry. After years of living illegally in the shadows after moving to the United States from Mexico …

Latest Trump immigration rule ‘causing panic’ in Florida - Florida Phoenix

Latest Trump Immigration Rule ‘Causing Panic’ in Florida – Florida Phoenix

August 26, 2019 — Last week, Florida immigration attorney Adonia Simpson went to speak to a group of Miami pediatricians. The doctors had a pressing question: What should they tell patients worried about a major Trump administration immigration rule issued the day before? The rule released earlier this month would make it tougher for immigrants to remain in the United …