When “Irina,” a young undocumented woman, met “Francis,” a U.S. citizen, she thought she had found true love. Instead, she found herself married to a man who put her life at risk. At first, Francis seemed like the kind of loving and supportive partner Irina had always wanted, but he quickly turned violent. He hit Irina, sexually assaulted her, shamed …
Harriett’s Story: AI Justice Secures T-Visa Approvals for 5 Survivors of Human Trafficking
We are so happy to announce that our client “Harriett” has just received her T-visa approval! Our team represented Harriett, a survivor of sex trafficking, as she fought for her right to remain in the United States after gaining independence from her trafficker. Harriett was part of a larger trafficking case in which a group of women were recruited to …
Mother and Son Reunited After 8 Years Apart
We are thrilled to announce the reunification of our client “Rose” and her son! Our Lucha Program represented Rose, a Haitian survivor of domestic violence in her VAWA self-petition, which allows individuals to petition for immigration status without the sponsorship of the abusive US citizen or permanent resident spouse. Rose had a son “Jonny” still in Haiti whom she was desperate to be reunited with. Our team filed his initial visa application in January 2021 while …
Pwoteje Sivivan nan Lejislati
AI Justice te jwe yon wòl enpòtan nan defèt chanjman yo pwopoze nan Lwa sou Vyolans Kont Fanm nan 2012, ki ta gen dezimati deseni pwoteksyon pou viktim imigran yo. Direktè Pwogram Michelle M. Ortiz pibliye yon Op-Ed nan Post la Huffington sou bòdwo a defekte, HR 4970 Empower abizè, pa Viktim, 5/12/12. Pandan yon komite jidisyè House 2012 odyans …
AI jistis toujou nan ka inik trafik la
AI Jistis a te ranfòse nan yon ka inik sou trafik travay, libere yon koup Ajanten ki te fòse pa menas ak presyon travay pou mwa san yo pa peye nan yon kabann liksye ak manje maten nan Miami Beach. Avoka nou yo rapòte trafik la nan Depatman Sekirite Nasyonal ak reprezante koup la nan zafè imigrasyon yo, sekirite yon …
Defans Èd Reauthorization nan VAWA
AI Justice te jwe yon wòl enpòtan nan otorizasyon re-otorizasyon 2013 Vyolans kont fanm. Direktè Adjwen Michelle Ortiz, Esq. te travay kole kole ak lòt defansè VAWA nasyonalman enpòtan yo ak delegasyon kongregasyon Sid Florid la pou asire ke pwoteksyon pou fanm imigran yo rete an plas.
Manm kle nan rezo libète
Manadjè Pwogram Michelle Ortiz, Esq. se Ko-prezidan komite manm nan rezo a Libète, yon kowalisyon entènasyonalman rekonèt nan anti-trafik ekspè angaje nan batay trafik moun pa enfliyanman politik piblik ak yon pèspektiv dwa moun.